Jordan Pond, Acadia NP Maine

Jordan Pond, Acadia NP Maine
Jordan Pond, Acadia NP Maine

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Jordan Pond, Acadia NP Maine

After our breakfast and necessary cups of coffee we boarded one of the free Island Explorer shuttles to Jordan Pond in Acadia National Park. At one end of Jordan Pond is the Jordan Pond House/Restaurant which serves lunch, tea and dinner. They say that it is best known for its popovers and Paula (Margaret) and I would agree. They are deee...licious.

For a little more about the Jordan Pond House see the following websites:

Jordan Pond's water is so clean that submerged granite boulders near the shore are clearly visible. Because the 150-foot deep reservoir is a source of drinking water for nearby Bar Harbor, swimming is prohibited, Kayaking and canoeing, however, are allowed.

We also hiked the Jordan Pond Shore Trail which is 3.3 miles in length and circumvents the pond. It is an easy to moderate trail depending on which side you start from. Both of us enjoyed the walk very much.

Today was a great day.

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