Jordan Pond, Acadia NP Maine

Jordan Pond, Acadia NP Maine
Jordan Pond, Acadia NP Maine

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Bar (Bah) Harbor, ME

It was raining when we left Balsam Cove Campground this morning but quit before arriving on the beautiful Mount Desert Island, ME. After checking into the Hadley Point Campground we rode one of the free Island Explorer buses into Bar (Bah) Harbor, ME.

Like so many other tourist destinations, Bar (Bah) Harbor has many nice shops, restaurants, night spots and other amenities that cater to the traveler. The thing we like best about the town is its proximity to Acadia National Park.

As I mentioned above we traveled by one of the Island Explorer buses into Bar (Bah) Harbor). These buses are free and LL Bean provides a great deal of the funding for this excellent service. They also travel into the park and you can hop on and off at a number of locations within the park. So that is exactly what we plan on doing over the next couple of days. Tomorrow we will be visiting Jordan Pond.

For information about Mount Desert Island see:

For information about early Bar (Bah) Harbor history see:

For information about Acadia National Park see:

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